Tuesday 20 September 2011


  1. Nicely set up, Leah.

  2. Leah you are very behind with your blog posts, could you please upload any documents I have assessed without delay.

    You also need to post the planning and evaluation of your Preliminary Task onto your blog as soon as possible. If you have any problems please contact us.

  3. Leah. Your essay on new technologies was good. 33/C. You clearly answered the question and used the statistics well to back up your points and produce a clearly argued response. Well done. Sometimes your expression is a little awkward - read through - but you are using terms like convergence and new platforms to show a good understanding of technological advances, changes in the industry and how producers are adapting to these changes.

    Please post two trailers advertising Working Title films with commentaries showing how the films are packaged and marketed to audiences. Also post essay on how Working Title has adapted to changes in the industry.
