Sunday 30 October 2011

Kill Bill Introduction

Kill Bill by Tarrantino starts off with a soundbridge, we hear the digestic sound of a women breathing in fear and distress. Soundbridges work well in thriller films because they add to anticipation and suspense. We then have an establishing high angle close up shot in black and white of a women wearing her wedding dress and vale. This shot reveals the bride with serious wounds to her face, we can also hear the digestic sound of somebodys footsteps becoming louder as they walk up closer to the bride. High angle shots work well as they cause a connection between the audience and the bride as they feel sympathetic towards her. Noir lighting is usually used in film for flashbacks, having the opening of the film in back and white suggests to the audience that a flash back is happening. Noir lighting also creates a sense of coldness which goes well with the thriller genre. It is also a tribute to old thriller films of the 50's. The camera then cuts to a tracking close up shot of a man in cow boy boots as he walks closer to the bride, at this point we can only see his feet and his shadows as well as hearing his footsteps . It then cuts back to brides face as she shivers in fear. This cut is to establish relationship between male and the female. Is this a abusive relationship? Cutting from the feet to her face shows a difference in power between the bride and the anonymous feet , its a power struggle. The brilliance of using the continual high angle close up shot of the bride is that the audience can really see the pain and suffering she is in therefore feel sympathetic. Also because it means the audience never get to see Bill's face creating a fear of the unknown. The man then says to the bride do you fine me sadistic? Meaning do you find me sick in the head. We only find out that the anonymous footsteps are coming from Bill once he takes out a handkerchief with his name on and starts to wipe the brides face of blood. As he wipes her face she cringes this implies to the audience that he was responsible for her injuries. It is a great shot as he gets out the handkerchief because we are instantly drawn to the name on it linking the audience back to the film title 'Kill Bill'. Having his name written on his handkerchief implies to the audience that Bill is an arrogant man with a sense of 'Cheap wealth' about him and also thinks very highly of himself.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Leah a promising and detailed analysis. Do remember to use paragraphs when organising your analysis.
    Enigma is an convention of thriller films, thus the focus on Bill's cowboy boots, his bracelet and handkerchief with his name on it communicate quite a lot about Bill. The fact his face is out of view is an example of enigma.
